People are likely to suffer physical injuries in their life irrespective of age. Whether you are a child or an adult, you can fall or meet with an accident anytime. In most cases, injuries could be minor, while there are instances when it can hurt you severely.


Whether an accident, a fall, or a sports injury – at the hospital, you will have to consult an orthopedic/sports medicine specialist who will help you to get relief.


Persistent pain in the back or shoulders, a severe fall in the kitchen or bathroom, an accident during a game – whatever your reason be – here are a few tips that you should be aware of before meeting an orthopedic/sports medicine specialist.


Be truthful to your doctor

Being truthful to your doctor is crucial. Some might be hesitant to open up before a doctor. There could be several reasons that might force a person to hide some information. But never lie to your doctor. It might do more harm than good.


Remember, a doctor is there to help you. All doctors work to get their patients better at the earliest. So, when you lie to a doctor, it might affect the treatment or prolong your injury.


Do not panic; you might not need surgery

If you have suffered a severe injury after a fall or an accident, do not panic. Severe pain or swelling of the injured part does not mean that you will require surgery. Some injuries are likely to cause swelling and can be excruciatingly painful.


A few days of rest or conservative treatment might help you get relief from pain. But it is not for you to decide. If you have suffered a severe fall or met with an accident during a game, consult an orthopedic/sports medicine specialist.


Tell him how you suffered the injury and follow his instructions.


Finally, never delay in securing treatment, fearing that you might require surgery. In some cases, delaying the treatment might cost us dear.


Carry your medical reports

You should not forget to carry medical reports with you if you have availed of any treatment for your injury/pain earlier. These medical reports (X-ray, scan reports, medications) will help the doctor understand the treatment you have undergone, and it will help make a better judgment for you.


Choose the right doctor for your problems.

Choosing the right and the best orthopedic surgeon or sports medicine specialist is crucial. You should identify the right specialist who could help you in solving your problems.


Orthopedics has undergone tremendous advancements in the recent past. There are numerous sub-specialties.


For instance, sports medicine is a branch of orthopedics that caters to the medical needs of sportspersons. Similarly, doctors are now specializing in various sub-specialties for each part of our body.


It is up to the patient to choose the best orthopedic doctor or the best sports medicine doctor in your place.


For instance, if you are in Dubai, you should opt for the best sports medicine doctor in Dubai or the best orthopedic doctor in Dubai who possesses the knowledge and expertise to treat your problem.


Ask your questions to your doctor.

There is nothing wrong with asking your questions to a doctor. You must have a complete understanding of the treatment you are to undergo. It is your right to know about the treatment. Also, your doctor will be more than happy to explain the treatment methodology and the expected results to you. You should leave the doctor’s room with doubts. So ask questions to your doctor bravely.