Frozen shoulder or adhesive capsulitis literally means that the shoulder freezes and becomes stiff. It often starts with no reason but may also be triggered by injury or surgery. Diabetes and thyroid disease predisposes to frozen shoulder.The shoulder capsule which lines the shoulder joint becomes swollen, inflamed and loses elasticity resulting in pain and stiffness. There are three clinical stages : gradual onset of pain which takes 6 weeks to 9 months, stiffness for 4 to 9 months or more and finally thawing or resolution with gradual return to motion which can last from 5 to 26 months. Physical therapy, intra-articular cortisone injections and heat are the non-operative treatment modalities. Release of adhesions, surgical releases and manipulation under anaesthesia are surgical options and a beneficial in the early and late stages of the disease. Capsular release is highly successful but requires intense physical therapy after surgery.
Frozen Shoulderadmin2018-11-22T16:51:29+00:00